You will remember that my friend sent three questions to the man claiming to be his twin. In response, he got three envelopes inside a bigger envelope.
Question No. 1: My friend asked that the purported send a photo of him holding a sign saying the words that they constantly said to each other in high school.
Inside the envelope marked #1 was a single photo.
A note explained that this was his house in Flint. So far so good. You can’t deny the physical resemblance between the two of them. And “what a trip” was exactly what they said to each other in high school.
Question No. 2 was: Where was this photo taken, which they had had hanging in their room at home, alluding to their twin status?
Inside envelope #2 was a color photo.
And some black and whites:
Plus one out-of-focus color with a post-it note.
The note said “Came out when I heard they were tearing it down. Something about tearing things down.”
Interesting – my friend is all about watching things get demolished too.
These photos clearly answered the second question correctly. Playland at the Beach, San Francisco. They visited as a family in 1957.
There was one more item in the #2 envelope. It was a folded page from a magazine.
Of course. My friend’s father drove the family to California in his 1954 Hudson Hornet.
Question #3 was: What was the family’s favorite amusement park and what was their favorite ride?
Envelope #3 had this in it:
Bingo. Boblo Island Amusement Park, on Bois Blanc Island, Ontario, just above the mouth of the Detroit River. Family photos. My friend gasped.
And one last photo, this one with a post-it saying “favorite ride”:
The Round-Up. The boys had a little routine they did – the call was “Space Sensation” and the response was “Defies Gravity!”
My friend took it in stride, or at least gave the appearance of taking it in stride. This was his twin. Fifty years later. “Lots to catch up” was his comment. He then thumbed through the photos again.
What did he think?