Frank Moore referred to himself as a wounded healer.
This is a term used by Jung. If I write one more word about Jung it will be obvious that I know nothing about him.
In Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was first among centaurs and highly revered as a teacher and tutor. He is often pictured with Achilles, one of his famous pupils. Chiron was poisoned with one of Heracles’ arrows, making him a wounded hero.
Chiron, the master of the healing arts, could not heal himself.
Moore also referred to himself as a blind prophet. My friend pulled out his Robert Graves on Greek mythology. Tiresias was a blind prophet of Apollo. He was from Thebes. Very clairvoyant.
Hera changed him into a woman for seven years because she did not like how he treated snakes.
Athena blinded him after he saw her naked.
I showed the photos to my friend, who is big on mythology. He has photos taken with Joseph Campbell at Esalen. What about these images?
“You’re forgetting Baba Vanga. Bulgarian, Macedonian, blind prophet. I visited her in the Kozhuh mountains in ’71. Mostly hung out with her husband. He called her Vangelia Gushterova. She saw, dude. She really saw. She told me that I would be shocked in 2016.”
Fine. What about Chiron and Tiresias, the original wounded healer and blind prophet?