In an e-mail with Gabby, I mentioned the reduplication project and carelessly gave “hully gully” as an example. The OED defines it as “a dance that is a modification of the frug.” The earliest citation in the OED of Hully Gully as a dance is 1964. The Olympics released the song “Hully Gully” in 1959. It was a line dance. How do you Hully Gully?
1. Start with feet together; step to the right with the right foot.
2. Cross behind right foot with left foot on count two, putting weight on left foot.
3. Step right with the right foot.
4. Kick left foot across your body.
5-8. Repeat to the left, starting with left foot on count one, crossing behind left foot with right on count two, stepping on left foot on count three and kicking right across body on count four.
9. Step back on right foot.
10. Close left foot to right foot.
11. Step forward on right foot.
12. Scoot forward on right foot and bring left knee up simultaneously.
13. Step forward on the left foot.
14. Scoot forward on left foot and bring right knee up simultaneously.
15. Step forward on right foot.
16. Scoot forward on right foot and bring left knee up while turning a quarter to the right.
17. Now facing to the right, step to the left with the left foot.
18. Cross behind left foot with right foot on count two, putting weight on right foot.
19. Step left with the left foot on count three.
20. On count four, kick right foot across your body.
Well, that’s crystal clear, isn’t it?
What is crystal clear is that Gabby’s colleciton of Hully Gully record albums is stunning. And not in an entirely good way either.
The last one is my favorite.
I showed Gabby’s photos to my friend. He had picked up a short book at the Alameda flea market.
He was trying to “wrap his head around it.” (His words, not mine.) He was happy to put down the tract and look at the photos. His verdict?