I think I have the perfect song for this page.
The lyrics don’t fit. It is the mood of the song.
In 1967, Cody’s ran a series of small, graphically interesting advertisements in the Berkeley Barb. I haven’t gotten past 1967 with the Barb, but they seem to have tapered off. We’ll see. Now, though:
Somebody had fun making these ads. They are great! I can’t wait to see if they continue in the Barb and/or Tribe. Time that I spent in the Berkeley Public Library reading through the Barb and Tribe is as good time as there is. Love it.
I found my friend rooting through a trunk, obviously looking for something. He pulled out a board game.
He claims that he was the model for the boy in this cover art. This is not impossible, but I would have to say that it is so unlikely as to be beyond discussion. I know that he had a conventional childhood and that he went off the rails when he got fired from a pin-boy job in a bowling alley. But was this him? I am not sure. I asked his opinion of the Cody’s ads: