Gabby sent my friend four cartons of record albums. He labeled the boxes “Big Hair/Bad Suits Christian Record Album Covers.” Here are photographs of the albums in the first of four cartons.
My friend, who was already taxed by my long list of reduplications, had a hard time with all these wholesome people. And this didn’t even include Gabby’s subset of album covers celebrating the song “Yes, Jesus Loves me.”
“Do you think Gabby listened to all these albums? Knowing him, he probably did. No thanks.”
He turned to me. “Want to see what an album cover is supposed to look like?”
He went and got an album.
“That, dude, is what it is all about.” What about all those women with beehives and big hair and all those men with bad suits?
Brings back baaaaaad memories. I was raised in 1960s-1970s southern baptist churches and these people really existed. They’d usually appear for revivals.
I personally saw two featured here. Beverly McGee with her talking “Erick” and the Amason Twins. Beverly was a duo with her pompous, narcisstic, fire-and-brimstone evangelist husband. I think they’re still alive and based out of Oklahoma. He was a dick and she was almost as crazy as he was. The Amason Twins were nice guys, though.
Wow this brings back lots of (bad) memories. I too was raised in southern babtisk church in the south – and yes these folks really did exist. Probably still do. Now at age 70 I understand this about them: their only message was “Jesus is god and you’d better worship him or you’re going to hell”. Not helping others, not feeding the poor, not ANYthing except that one sentence. Guest speakers at our church in Virginia were from far-off places (Australia for instance) – and their message was invariably and without exception the same: “Jesus is god and you’d better worship him or you’re going to hell”. The second thing I understand now is that these folks molded the bible to say what they wanted it to say – they hated blacks so naturally god did too – they wanted women to be subservient, so god did too. They loved guns so god did too. Now I know that the answer to “I know what MY bible says” is “I do too – anything you want it to say”.
This was/is a very sick culture – hopefully it’ll die out someday.