A is for airplane and alligator
B is for Buddha, bear, birdhouse, Bulwinkle
C is for cat, cow, and chicken
D is for dog, dinosaur, dragon:
E is for elephant.
F is for free speech and fire hydrants and fish.
G is for giraffes and gnomes
H is for hex sign and horse shoe
I is for Iceland.
J is for jungle and jazz school:
K is for Kwan Yin and korner.
L is for lion and little free library.
M is for monkey and mailbox
N is for neon and Normandy Village
O is for orange (the fruit and the color) and octopus
P is for peace and pig and piano and pine tree
Q is for Quirky Berkeley
R is for rabbit and rhino:
S is for shutters and steps and squirrel and squid
T is for tardigrade and train and tortoise
U is for Unidentified Flying Object
V is for V and the Vain Van
W is for windmill and wish tree and weather vane
X is for X
Y is for yellow house and yarn bombing:
Z is for zebra: